Category: Sport & Entertainment -> Yachts & Boats
Country: Poland
  We have bulit such yachts as:
Vilya - 15,5m, two yachts Antarktik - 15m, designed by Mr Juliusz Strawiński L12 - 12m designed by Mr Ryszard Langer.
two mats yacht Bruceo designed Bruce Roberts. Motorboat Euro1200 - 12m also desingned by Mr Bruce Roberts. We are going towide the offer of our company by next motorboats: Euro1000- 10m, Euro1400 -14m.
Yachts are bulit according to our documentation or the documentation receiueo from the client.
We make the full range of work connected with[...]  Details...   We have bulit such yachts as:
Vilya - 15,5m, two yachts Antarktik - 15m, designed by Mr Juliusz Strawiński L12 - 12m designed by Mr Ryszard Langer.
two mats yacht Bruceo designed Bruce Roberts. Motorboat Euro1200 - 12m also desingned by Mr Bruce Roberts. We are going towide the offer of our company by next motorboats: Euro1000- 10m, Euro1400 -14m.
Yachts are bulit according to our documentation or the documentation receiueo from the client.
We make the full range of work connected with[...]  Details...   We have bulit such yachts as:
Vilya - 15,5m, two yachts Antarktik - 15m, designed by Mr Juliusz Strawiński L12 - 12m designed by Mr Ryszard Langer.
two mats yacht Bruceo designed Bruce Roberts. Motorboat Euro1200 - 12m also desingned by Mr Bruce Roberts. We are going towide the offer of our company by next motorboats: Euro1000- 10m, Euro1400 -14m.
Yachts are bulit according to our documentation or the documentation receiueo from the client.
We make the full range of work connected with[...]  Details...   We have bulit such yachts as:
Vilya - 15,5m, two yachts Antarktik - 15m, designed by Mr Juliusz Strawiński L12 - 12m designed by Mr Ryszard Langer.
two mats yacht Bruceo designed Bruce Roberts. Motorboat Euro1200 - 12m also desingned by Mr Bruce Roberts. We are going towide the offer of our company by next motorboats: Euro1000- 10m, Euro1400 -14m.
Yachts are bulit according to our documentation or the documentation receiueo from the client.
We make the full range of work connected with[...]  Details...   We have bulit such yachts as:
Vilya - 15,5m, two yachts Antarktik - 15m, designed by Mr Juliusz Strawiński L12 - 12m designed by Mr Ryszard Langer.
two mats yacht Bruceo designed Bruce Roberts. Motorboat Euro1200 - 12m also desingned by Mr Bruce Roberts. We are going towide the offer of our company by next motorboats: Euro1000- 10m, Euro1400 -14m.
Yachts are bulit according to our documentation or the documentation receiueo from the client.
We make the full range of work connected with[...]  Details...   We have bulit such yachts as:
Vilya - 15,5m, two yachts Antarktik - 15m, designed by Mr Juliusz Strawiński L12 - 12m designed by Mr Ryszard Langer.
two mats yacht Bruceo designed Bruce Roberts. Motorboat Euro1200 - 12m also desingned by Mr Bruce Roberts. We are going towide the offer of our company by next motorboats: Euro1000- 10m, Euro1400 -14m.
Yachts are bulit according to our documentation or the documentation receiueo from the client.
We make the full range of work connected with[...]  Details...   We have bulit such yachts as:
Vilya - 15,5m, two yachts Antarktik - 15m, designed by Mr Juliusz Strawiński L12 - 12m designed by Mr Ryszard Langer.
two mats yacht Bruceo designed Bruce Roberts. Motorboat Euro1200 - 12m also desingned by Mr Bruce Roberts. We are going towide the offer of our company by next motorboats: Euro1000- 10m, Euro1400 -14m.
Yachts are bulit according to our documentation or the documentation receiueo from the client.
We make the full range of work connected with[...]  Details...   We have bulit such yachts as:
Vilya - 15,5m, two yachts Antarktik - 15m, designed by Mr Juliusz Strawiński L12 - 12m designed by Mr Ryszard Langer.
two mats yacht Bruceo designed Bruce Roberts. Motorboat Euro1200 - 12m also desingned by Mr Bruce Roberts. We are going towide the offer of our company by next motorboats: Euro1000- 10m, Euro1400 -14m.
Yachts are bulit according to our documentation or the documentation receiueo from the client.
We make the full range of work connected with[...]  Details...  Łódź "SOLAR 380"
Łódź wiosłowo motorowa o tradycyjnym kształcie dna. Doskonale sprawuje się jako łódka wędkarska, możliwość dodatkowego wyposażenia w gniazda dla wędek, windy kotwicowe, Posiada dwie bakisty-schowki zamykane, wysokie burty, relingi dziobowe 2-szt, relingi rufowe 2-szt. Bardzo stabilna doskonała pod wiosła przystosowana do silnika max 11 KM
Długość 3,85 m
Szerokość 1,55 m
Waga 125 kg
Załoga 3-4
Silnik 11 kW[...] Details...  Duża, nowoczesna, wieloosobowa, niezatapialna łódź motorowa ciesząca się bardzo dużą popularnością wśród użytkowników.
Wyposażenie standardowe: Kabina z pleksy, układ kierowniczy, siedzenie kierowcy, materace w kabinie, drabinka kąpielowa, zbiornik na wodę, wlew wody, pompka wodna, wlew paliwa, zbiornik paliwa, wskaźnik paliwa, rolka kotwiczna, rozkładany, drewniany stół w kabinie, automatyczna pompka wodna, panel kontrolny, instalacja elektryczna z lampka kajutową, umywalka[...] Details...